Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Oh How I Long For a Real Dining Room!

As you may recall, the last time I mentioned my daydreams for a much bigger place (compared to that of my dungeon of a basement apartment), I rattled on about my desire for a spectacular bathroom. Well, it's time for me to move on to the dining room...

Even while growing up in my family home, I never had a *real* dining room. Maybe once, I had a dining room while renting houses during college. But clearly that was short lived. I would love if my next humble abode contains one of these bad birds. I would love to have a place to host a nice party or have dinner with the fam'.

Some ideas for great furniture for my hopefully-someday-dining-room daydreaming (as seen at csnstores.com) include pieces like this one:

Oh, how I love it! Someday Ash, someday! (hopefully)!!!

Disclosure: I received no monetary compensation for writing this post. Please stay tuned for a future product review with the help of csnstores.com